
Explorer: Dreadshift

Our Presence is draining.

Historic: Yorion Affinity

Too much value for a 60 card deck.

Historic: Mono-Blue Mill

Double Down

Standard: UG Auras

Double the Value, Double the Fun

Historic: Affinity

Zero Mana 10/10's, but with 1 Mana Draw 2's now!

Historic: Suggestion Box

Beefy Bruvacs and Pumped Up Petitioners.

Explorer: Counter Stompy

Let's get Swole!

Historic Brawl: Valentin & Lisette

Golgari Lifegain Shenanigans

Explorer: Elves

Craterhoof, Smaterhoof, Let's Go Wide!

Alchemy: Mono-G Dragons

Just a couple 4 Mana 11/11s

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