Alchemy Starter Decks

Alchemy is Arena's digital only rotating format. Alchemy decks can be made of any card in standard, plus a selection of digital only cards injected into the format. In addition Alchemy allows for certain cards to receive modifications, often called nerfs or buffs.

This page hopes to provide a living list of cheap and functional alchemy decks that can be crafted for fun. The aim is to provide decks that can be used for grinding rewards in play.

Raw Text

2 Key to the Archive
4 Teleportation Circle
4 Spare Supplies
2 Lithoform Engine
4 Portable Hole
4 Priest of Ancient Lore
4 Ingenious Smith
4 Bag of Holding
4 Professor of Symbology
4 Fierce Retribution
20 Plains
4 Cave of the Frost Dragon

Sideboard 4 Introduction to Annihilation 2 Introduction to Prophecy 1 Spirit Summoning

This mono-white deck is all about using small artifacts and creatures for value. You'll be blinking cards like Spare Supplies, Portable Hole, Priest of Ancient Lore, and Key to the Archive using Teleportation Circle.

The deck usually wins by copying spells like Time Warp with Lithoform Engine until you can grab and resolve two Approach of the Second Sun off Key to the Archive