Explorer: Lotus Tron

Raw Text

4 Blood Sun
3 World Breaker
4 Kozilek, the Great Distortion
4 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger
4 Titania's Command
4 Elvish Reclaimer
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Elvish Mystic
4 Escape to the Wilds
2 Titan of Industry
3 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon
1 Forest
4 Lotus Field
1 Mountain
2 Bonders' Enclave
4 Karplusan Forest
4 Rockfall Vale
4 Stomping Ground


Blood Sun is pretty cool sideboard card in many formats. Hating on land abilities can be a great way to deal with a normally difficult permanent type. But Blood Sun does more then just shut down your opponents beneficial abilities, it can also disable your negative abilities. This deck uses that to our advantage by negating the downsides of Lotus Field to prevent the need to sac lands or come in tapped. This means it turns Lotus Field into a 3 mana untapped rainbow land with zero downsides.


The combo is pretty simple, play a Blood Sun, then Play a Lotus Field. That's it.

Land Search

We are running a few ways to search out or Lotus Fields. Elvish Reclaimer gets down early and can help us change out lands for Lotus FIeld once we get down a blood sun, where Titania's Command is usually fetching us two Lotus Fields to really get our engine going. We don't have any searching for the Lotus Fields since we hope to naturally draw one and really only want or need one.


Most of our big threats are Eldrazi. These threats are huge and help us both put big threats on the board and give us pretty decent effects to help us deal with the board or draw us cards.

We are also running a few other big threats, with Ugin acting as our board wipe and Titan our artifact/enchantment removal.

The Rest

The rest of the deck is a pretty big creature based ramp package and some card advantage that also lets us make additional land drops. We want to be playing lots of big stuff and do not wholly rely on Blood Sun/Lotus Field to accomplish that.