Explorer: Dreadshift

Raw Text

4 Dread Presence
4 Scapeshift
4 Ancient Greenwarden
4 Satyr Wayfinder
3 Mulch
3 Druid Class
4 Dryad of the Ilysian Grove
4 Binding the Old Gods
4 Deathsprout
2 Dig Up
12 Swamp
4 Overgrown Tomb
4 Haunted Mire
4 Woodland Chasm


This is one of those decks that wants to be a combo deck, but keeps winning games without actually doing it's main combo. The deck aims to use Scapeshift to replace all of it's lands causing a large number of mountains to enter the battlefield and finish off the game thanks to Dread Presence's triggered ability. But I've found the deck tends to end the game just as quickly through small incremental swings as it does through one big set of triggers.


The deck's combo is pretty simple, resolve a Scapeshift while Dread Presence is on the board. That can usually put enough damage on the stack to finish off opponents.

Land Synergies

Hitting our land drops is really important to the deck since our win condition is pretty reliant on both getting to 4 mana and having enough lands (Usually 9-10) on the battlefield to Scapeshift into the win. The means we pack plenty of ways to find lands.

Satyr Wayfinder and Mulch grab us lands from the top of our deck while Binding the Old Gods and Deathsprout act as removal that also gets us lands. Dig Up can fetch us early game lands while searching up our combo pieces in the late game using it's cleave cost.

We also have ways to play multiple land drops per turn in Druid Class and Dryad of the Ilysian Grove.

Finally we can double up our triggers with Ancient Greenwarden to have some truly brutal turns.