Historic: Affinity

Raw Text

4 Metalwork Colossus
4 Thought Monitor
4 Karn, Scion of Urza
4 Nettlecyst
1 Brass Knuckles
4 Court Homunculus
2 River's Rebuke
4 Ingenious Smith
4 Portable Hole
4 Moonsnare Prototype
1 Midnight Clock
2 Glass Casket
3 Plains
3 Island
4 Razortide Bridge
4 Deserted Beach
4 Hallowed Fountain
4 Hengegate Pathway


With the upcoming rotation and announcements that we can expect some artifact heavy sets in the near future I wanted to take a look at where the current card set stands when it comes to Affinity. So first let's get this out of the way. I know there are not that many actual affinity for artifacts cards on Arena, and yes I know of those we are only playing one... However I don't care, I wanted to name it affinity.

Like "Real" affinity decks this one aims to reduce the cost of key pieces like Thought Monitor and Metalwork Colossus so we can play them cheap and early and take over the game before most decks can really deal with our threats. The rest of the deck is really built around either taking advantage of the artifacts we are playing, or getting artifacts onto the battlefield.

Synergy Pieces

The deck definitely has a heavy artifact theme and we are even intentionally running 4 copies of a tap land just because it's an artifact for some of our payoffs.

A neat synergy with Brass Knuckles is that it's copy keeps the mana cost, so not only is it two artifacts for Thought Monitor, it's 8 MV for Metalwork Colossus.


Most of our removal is actually artifacts themselves, so we can tap them with Moonsnare and use them to powerup constructs or reduce the costs of our spells. There is some risk to removal, but we are trying to outpace our opponents pretty early on. If we need to go long the deck packs 2 copies of River's Rebuke to help clear things up and let our big threats get through.