Historic: Suggestion Box

Raw Text

4 Mirror Box
16 Persistent Petitioners
4 Tamiyo, Collector of Tales
4 Ledger Shredder
4 Bruvac the Grandiloquent
4 River's Rebuke
10 Island
2 Forest
4 Barkchannel Pathway
4 Breeding Pool
4 Dreamroot Cascade


Ok, this ones just because I wanted to. This deck is built around the fact that we can run any number of Persistent Petitioners which plays pretty well with Mirror Box's pump effects. The golas of the deck are to play a bunch of Petitioners that grow out of control, or mill our opponent out by using their effects.

A Little Help

So the main themes of our deck are built around getting a bunch of petitioners, but we have a few other things going on as well.

Tamiyo, Collector of Tales gives us some card advantage since naming Persistent Petitioners is a pretty safe bet and we can always downtick for Mirror Box, Bruvac, or a land if we need.

Ledger Shredder is surprisingly an advisor which gives us a little card selection as we play out multiple cards each turn by letting us toss away lands for more looks at useful cards.

Bruvac the Grandiloquent doubles up our mill, and is also an advisor so playing him on curve is great for our mill plan.

Finally River's Rebuke lets us reset the board when we need just a little more time to finish the game, and with huge Petitioners we can often finish the game on the spot.